Saturday, February 21, 2015

Nursing Care of Patients with Pulmonary Fibrosis

         Caring for a patient with pulmonary fibrosis can be a challenging experience because the disease doesn’t exactly have a cure. Most of the care given to these patients is meant to help them be more comfortable. While giving nursing care for these patients there are a few things that you should always remember. First off most of the patients with pulmonary fibrosis are older so you should always look into any other problems they may have or any additional medications they could be on. There are also a lot of co-morbities that go along with pulmonary fibrosis that you need to look out for. These include gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), pulmonary hypertension, coronary artery disease, diabetes, lung cancer, obstructive sleep apnea and other sleep disturbances, pulmonary embolism, and emphysema

         Dyspnea or shortness of breath is another problem that many patients with pulmonary fibrosis have. As a nurse it is always a good idea to evaluate your patients for any shortness of breath or any exercise induced trouble breathing. If they have either of these you can try to get them a referral for oxygen therapy so they can be more comfortable while doing things inside and outside. A group of exercises called pulmonary rehabilitation can also be helpful with dyspnea.

         Many pulmonary fibrosis patients also get a very uncomfortable and annoying cough. This symptoms is a bit hard to treat but studies have shown that oral corticosteroids, mucolytic drugs, and codeine are helpful. Fatigue and de-conditioning are also very common with pulmonary fibrosis patients. This happened to them mostly because of low oxygen levels that then lead to muscle de-conditioning. The best way to treat this is by giving supplemental oxygen and to prescribe them to rehabilitation.

         The last common symptom of pulmonary fibrosis that needs special nursing care is depression and anxiety. Because of the poor prognosis and lack of cure of pulmonary fibrosis many patients experience depression. As a nurse it is extremely important to pay close attention to patients and to keep them very well educated about their disease. If they show any signs of depression it is best to refer them to psychosocial support.

         Pulmonary fibrosis is a horrible disease and there are many things that you need to pay close attention to as a nurse but some of the most important things to do are to keep the patient educated and to encourage them to speak up if they are having any problems. A great website for patient education can be found at This website is really helpful because it has information that is both informative and helpful. It helps explain the problems one may be experiencing and it also gives ways to fix these problems.

Disease centered management
Education and Self-Management
Symptom-Centered Management
Pharmacologic Therapy
Non Pharmacologic Therapy
Values and preferences
Co-Morbidities and Complications
Advanced care planning
Fatigue and Deconditioning
Preventative care

Depression and Anxiety


Lee, Joyce, Sally Mclaughlin, and Harold Collard. "Comprehensive Care of the Patient with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis." Medscape Log In. 1 Jan. 2011. Web. 22 Feb. 2015. <>.

 "Management of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis." Web. 22 Feb. 2015. <>. 


  1. I was diagnosed with polymyositis in 2002 and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) by a lung biopsy in 2007. I have been on prednisone at various dosages from the beginning along with various immune suppressant medications. I began taking tacrolimus in 2008 and have held off any progression of more scarring. I had shortness of breath and coughing. I was relatively active but I learned to pace myself. I have the best medical team that all work together.. As the disease progressed all medication stopped working, i was introduced to Health herbal clinic in South Africa who have successful herbal treatment to Pulmonary fibrosis and other lungs diseases. I spoke to few people who used the treatment here in USA and they all gave a positive response, so i immediately purchased the Pulmonary fibrosis herbal remedy and commenced usage, i used the herbal supplement for only 9 weeks, all symptoms gradually faded away, herbs are truly gift from God. contact this herbal clinic via their email healthherbalclinic @ gmail. com or visit www. healthherbalclinic. weebly. com

    1. I was diagnosed of Emphysema (copd)9 months ago which affected my breathing badly, my doctor advice me for Lungs Volume reduction surgery (LVRS) because my both upper lobes of the lungs were involved, i was making preparation for this when a friend of mine told me about a herbal doctor from Africa, doctor ODUWA who prepares herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including Emphysema, i contacted Dr ODUWA via his email and he sent me Emphysema herbal medicine via courier service, when i received this herbal medicine i applied it as instructed and was totally cured of Emphysema within 10 days of usage, i never had to go for the surgery again as i was totally free from emphysema, all thanks to Dr ODUWA, contact Dr ODUWA via his email

  2. My husband Carrick Bills was diagnosed with Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis july 2014,am from NC and i want to inform the whole public of how me and my husband got cured from IPF,this disease started circulating all over his body, and he has taken treatment from his doctor,few weeks back i came on the internet to see if i will be able to get any information as to cure this disease, on my search i saw various testimony of someone who was healed from IPF by the great man called Dr ABUMERE and i told my husband about it and without any hesitation, i contacted his email: i emailed him and and he guided me,i asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for the disease and indeed 2week after my husband started using the medicine, he was completely cured, honestly if not for doctor Abumere my husband wont be alive today so dear viewer why wasting your time living with this Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis disease you can contact him now he is able to cure any kinds of disease .
    You can contact his Email and visit his website for futher informatiom.

  3. I was diagnosed by biopsy with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis in Jan. 2006. My Doctor prescribed actimmune after my 3rd pulmonary embolism in 2006, I read that people usually die within 5 years. My specialist had me on blood thinners, prednisone and other steroids that I inhale daily. My blood/oxygen is 95% and my main symptom is shortness of breath if I push myself too hard, when this occurs, I just rest.nothing was really working to help my condition.I went off the steroids (with the doctor’s knowledge) and started on Pulmonary Fibrosis herbal formula i ordered from Health Herbal Clinic, my symptoms totally declined over a 5 weeks use of the IPF natural herbal formula. i am now doing very well,Somehow, they managed to keep me alive for 10 years Visit there website www. healthherbalclinic. net or email Info@ healthherbalclinic. net I feel blessed to be here.

  4. Sophia William
    I am the daughter of a 58 year old with IPF- It has been the most difficult thing to deal with for myself my dad and my family. As day by day goes by watching my dad suffer hurts more than words can explain....I was so determined to stop this horrible disease...After some years of research online i finally got a solution ,i saw so many positive post online about Good health herbs home,i purchased their herbal remedies for IPF ,my dad used the herbal remedy for 6 weeks and he was totally cured of IPF,my dad is now back to normal life all thanks to good health herbs home.please for more information about good health herbs home contact deatils www goodhealthherbshome com


  5. Sophia William
    I am the daughter of a 58 year old with IPF- It has been the most difficult thing to deal with for myself my dad and my family. As day by day goes by watching my dad suffer hurts more than words can explain....I was so determined to stop this horrible disease...After some years of research online i finally got a solution ,i saw so many positive post online about Good health herbs home,i purchased their herbal remedies for IPF ,my dad used the herbal remedy for 6 weeks and he was totally cured of IPF,my dad is now back to normal life all thanks to good health herbs home.please for more information about good health herbs home contact details www

  6. After my 3rd pulmonary embolism in 2003, I was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis and I read that people usually die within 5 years. My specialist has me on blood thinners, prednisone and other steroids that I inhale daily. October 2006 I decided to go with natural treatment and was introduced to Mbeki Herbal Clinic natural organic COPD Herbal formula, i had a total decline of symptoms with this COPD Herbal formula treatment. The infections, shortness of breath, fatigue, dry cough and other symptoms has subsided. Somehow, the herbs managed to keep me alive for 13 years.Visit Mbeki Herbal Clinic official website ww w. mbekiherbalclinic. com or email herbs@ mbekiherbalclinic. com.
    I have had great improvement with my over all respiration with this product and i breath very much easier, i can never be thankful enough to nature

  7. I was diagnosed of Emphysema (copd)9 months ago which affected my breathing badly, my doctor advice me for Lungs Volume reduction surgery (LVRS) because my both upper lobes of the lungs were involved, i was making preparation for this when a friend of mine told me about a herbal doctor from Africa, doctor ODUWA who prepares herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including Emphysema, i contacted Dr ODUWA via his email and he sent me Emphysema herbal medicine via courier service, when i received this herbal medicine i applied it as instructed and was totally cured of Emphysema within 10 days of usage, i never had to go for the surgery again as i was totally free from emphysema, all thanks to Dr ODUWA, contact Dr ODUWA via his email

  8. I had COPD for 9 years. My first symptoms were dry cough, chest tightness and shortness of breath. My first chest x-ray only showed bronchitis. Finally I went to a pulmonologist and was diagnosed with COPD.i have used all the medication yet they don’t work, last year December I was told by a formal emphysema patient to use  totalcureherbalfoundation@ gmail .com herbal treatment which I really did,i was surprise the herbal products effectively get rid of my COPD totally. When you get where you cannot breathe it may be too late. Good luck to each and every one that will be trying their herbal treatment .

  9. I was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis, Interstitial Lung Disease.
    I had a piece of my lung removed so they could try and determine the cause. They were able to rule out various things but not pinpoint the cause of my disease.
    After a year and a half of being sick I had my answer, A fellow patient of ILD from my hospital saw me and told me her encounter with a herbal partictional who help her cured her ILD with his herbal medicine called MALVA-H
    Google (I don’t recommend using it, it's is a terrible downer) told me that the average life span for someone with this disease lives for an average of between two and a half and five years, Google told me no cure, that is not true because i am living free from interstitial lung disease now,
    because i contacted Dr.George with his email and place an order on his herbal medicine after 6 day i receive my medicine and start using it as instructed by the doctor after a month of usage i notice a huge different in my body my breath was clear and my energy level was remarkable. contact him directly on his Email at,
    As you take a step of faith i believe you will share your own motivational/testimony story soon.


    Indeed Doctor Disu has a cure for Herpes Virus,
    I was once victim of the herpes virus with many epidemics on my body, I was cured of the virus thanks to the help of Doctor Disu herbal medicine. I have met most of his patient testimonials on blogs and social media pages, cured of various illnesses. I contacted him with his email address to which he replied and asked me a few questions and the preparation method for which I paid, he sent me herbal medicines and with his prescription I drank herbal medicine for 21 days and the epidemics on my body were healed after concluding herbal medicine, I went for the test and my result was negative with no trace of virus in my blood. You can also be cured, contact him on his official email; or WhatsApp him on +2348167485904.

    He said he had an herbal remedy for
    Diabetes, cancer, PENIS ENLARGMENT,
    HIV, heart disease and liver disease

  11. I started on COPD Herbal treatment from Ultimate Life Clinic, the treatment worked incredibly for my lungs condition. I used the herbal treatment for almost 4 months, it reversed my COPD. My severe shortness of breath, dry cough, chest tightness gradually disappeared. Reach Ultimate Life Clinic via their website . I can breath much better and It feels comfortable!

  12. Rhonda S.’s COPD made her feel short of breath and like she was constantly dragging. While her inhalers helped some, she just didn’t feel like herself anymore.
    After having life-threatening pneumonia, she knew something had to change. A friend of hers mentioned multivitamin herbal formula restoration treatment, so Rhonda did
    some research and decided to receive treatment at the multivitamin herbal cure. “I started to feel better almost right away,” Rhonda said.
    And, along with feeling better, she began to do things she couldn’t do before treatment. Now, Rhonda can take showers, work in her flower garden, and she enjoys having more energy. It’s with a great deal of hope, Rhonda says, “I feel more like myself.”
    Like Rhonda, you can breathe easier and bring normal life back within reach. If you or someone you love has a chronic lung disease and would like more information, contact us today by calling (+1 (956) 758-7882 to visit their website multivitamincare .org
